Why is Mesalamine So Expensive

Why is Mesalamine So Expensive

A Maintenance Drug for a Chronic Condition

Why is mesalamine so expensive is the question that has intrigued many people who are chronic patients of Inflammatory Bowel diseases

Before we dig into why is Mesalamine so expensive, we need to understand what is Mesalmine and how it works. Mesalamine is a long-term medication that is prescribed to cure IBD and ulcerative colitis to manage their symptoms. It helps reduce the inflammation in the colon, which helps manage inflammatory bowel diseases by producing inflammatory mediators like Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes.  It is a preventive treatment that helps in keeping the patients in remission from outbreaks of the illness.

So, why is Mesalamine so expensive can be attributed to several factors.

  • The manufacturing of the drug is pretty complex and involves large expenses because of meticulous production and composition to ensure that the drug reaches the destination i.e. inflammatory areas of gastrointestinal tracts. The most effective formula helps withhold stomach acid and release Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes in the intestines to reduce inflammation. Continuous research has its own costs, without research it isn’t possible to reach precision to the best formula is a great contribution to the high cost. Besides that, some regulatory costs to keep up the quality, and effectiveness of the drug also make the drug expensive.
  • The monopoly of a few drug manufacturers and the limited competition also play a role in setting a high price. Hence exclusive patent rights on delivery as well as production of the drug even if expired are renewed to continue the monopoly of the manufacturers to keep the price high.
  • Another reason why is Mesalamine so expensive is the transportation and storage costs.  These costs include logistics, chemists markups, and storage which add to the increase in the pricing.
  • Insurance and pricing strategies are also one of the factors why Mesalam is so expensive. These policies are usually given by the stakeholders i.e. pharmaceutical companies in negotiation with insurance companies.
  •  Another factor why is Mesalam so expensive could be due to issues related to its availability, type of inhalation, dosage, country of the manufacturer, and local pharmacies dealing with the sale of the drug. 
  • Lastly, geopolitical factors matter such as the economy, and exchange rates also impact the high price of drugs. 

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Mesalamine Generic

The analysis of why is Mesalamine so expensive brings one to wonder if there is any cost-effective and affordable substitute drug available to cure the disease. On digging, it has been revealed that Mesalamine Generic is an affordable option for the same disease. However, it is mandatory to delve into the details of how effectively it replaces the Mesalamine drug.  So here is a list of a few benefits of generic Mesalamine Generic:

  • Besides being economically affordable, it is also as therapeutically efficient as the branded ones with bioequivalence. 
  • It provides relief for patients who fret about why is Mesalamine so expensive because they have a chronic condition which requires them to take the drug for long-term preventive measures. 
  • The drug is easily available online at LifeRx Pharmacy.

Hence, the available solution for why is Mesalmine so expensive could be Mesalamine Generic.