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What Can I Feed Squirrels? A Complete Guide to Squirrel
Squirrels are lively, curious creatures always searching for food. Whether in your backyard or at a park, it’s crucial to know which foods are safe and healthy for them. If you’ve been feeding these little guys, you might wonder what’s best for their nutritional needs. Let’s take a look at what squirrels eat, what foods they love, and how you can help them stay healthy.
Top 10 Healthy Foods to Feed Squirrels: A Squirrel Diet
When feeding squirrels, it’s vital to give them a varied diet of natural, whole foods.. Here’s a list of healthy options:
- Nuts: Squirrels love nuts, especially those with their shells on. They like acorns, pecans, walnuts, and hazelnuts. Nuts are high in fat, making them great for giving squirrels energy.
- Seeds: Unsalted sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and bird seeds are the best. They contain healthy fats and vitamins, but avoid junk food or seeds with added salt.
- Fruits: Squirrels enjoy grapes, raspberries, and apple slices. Always remove seeds or pits from apples and cherries, as they can harm squirrels.
- Vegetables: Kale, collard greens, and romaine lettuce are safe for squirrels. You can also offer them squash, carrots, or even sweet potatoes.
- Nuts in the Shell: Peanuts in the shell are another great option. Squirrels can gnaw on the shells, which keeps their teeth healthy.
Giving these foods in small amounts will help. It will ensure that squirrels get the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and energy to stay healthy.
Can you feed squirrels nuts? These are the best nuts for squirrels.

Nuts and seeds are some of the most popular squirrel foods. Squirrels, especially grey squirrels and red squirrels are known to eat many types of nuts. The best nuts to offer are:
- Pecans: A favourite of squirrels for their high-fat, energy-rich nuts.
- Walnuts: They are high in healthy fats and calcium. Both are vital for strong bones and teeth.
- Hazelnuts: These are another favorite. They provide vitamins and minerals that support squirrel health.
Remember, peanuts should be offered in small amounts and never salted. Squirrels prefer in-shell peanuts. They like to crack them open and gnaw on the shells. However, squirrels don’t need to eat peanuts every day.
Fruits and Vegetables for Squirrels: What They Can and Can’t Eat
Feeding squirrels fruit and vegetables is a great way to supplement their diet. Some fruits and vegetables, like grapes, squash, and leafy greens, are healthy for them. These foods help provide a variety of foods that support their digestive health.
However, it’s important to know that not all fruits and vegetables are good for squirrels. Onions, garlic, and avocados harm squirrels. So, don’t feed them these. Fruits and vegetables high in sugar or water, like citrus fruits, are also bad choices.
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How Often Should You Feed Squirrels? Understanding Their Eating Habits
You don’t need to feed squirrels every day. Squirrels are wild animals that are experts at foraging for food. They enjoy gnawing on natural food sources, such as tree branches, bark, and nuts they bury for later. Feeding squirrels small amounts now and then can help them. This is true in harsh winters or when food is scarce.
But don’t overfeed! Feeding squirrels too much can harm their health. They may stop foraging and rely on handouts. This leads to an unbalanced diet. You can offer squirrel food to ensure they get the necessary nutrients. This method keeps their wild instincts intact.
Foods to Avoid When Feeding Squirrels: Harmful Snacks You Should Never Offer

While it’s fun to feed squirrels, it’s essential to avoid harmful foods. Junk food, like chips, candy, or anything processed, is toxic to squirrels. Squirrels have specific dietary needs. Unhealthy foods can cause metabolic issues and diseases. One is metabolic bone disease (MBD), caused by poor nutrition and a lack of calcium.
Here’s a quick list of foods that are harmful to squirrels:
- Chocolate can be toxic to squirrels.
- Corn and peanuts should only be fed in moderation.
- Bird food: Some bird seeds are safe. But check for toxic mold or added salt before feeding it to squirrels.
- Processed snacks: Avoid nuts with salt or any kind of sugary food.
The Benefits of Feeding Squirrels: Why Squirrels Need Your Help
Feeding squirrels helps meet their nutritional needs, especially in winter or harsh weather. Wild squirrels often struggle to find food then. Offering nuts, sunflower seeds, or fruits and vegetables keeps them healthy.
Also, if you build a squirrel or bird feeder with some treats, you might see more squirrels in your area. They will appreciate the food and the safe feeding spot.
Should You Feed Squirrels in Winter? How to Care for Squirrels During Cold Weather
Winter can be tough on wild squirrels. With fewer food sources available, many squirrels can benefit from supplementary feeding. Foods like pecans, walnuts, and unsalted sunflower and pumpkin seeds can help in winter.
During winter, squirrels burn a lot of energy staying warm and may struggle to find enough food. Giving squirrels small amounts of food helps them forage during cold, snowy weather. Also, they often bury food for later. So, offering a variety of treats helps them build a good stash.
Are Squirrels Benefiting from Human Feeders? How to Create a Squirrel-Friendly Feeding Station

To help squirrels in your backyard, you can set up a feeder. It’s easy. Just create a platform for food like sunflower seeds, almonds, or peanuts. Make sure the feeder is placed somewhere safe from predators and easy for squirrels to reach.
Common Myths About Feeding Squirrels: What You Need to Know
There are many myths about feeding squirrels, and it’s important to understand the truth. Some believe feeding squirrels will make them dependent on humans. But that’s not true. Squirrels don’t lose their ability to forage for food just because they get a little extra snack. They are still wild animals with strong instincts. However, when you feed them every day, use safe, healthy food. Also, be aware of their natural behaviours, like gnawing and burying their food.
What can you feed squirrels for a healthy, happy life?
Feed squirrels a mix of nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Good options include sunflower seeds, peanuts, and pecans. This diet keeps them energized and healthy. Always avoid junk food and anything harmful like chocolate or salty treats. Feeding squirrels occasionally can be beneficial. However, remember they are wild animals. Don’t disrupt their natural foraging. By offering the right foods, you support a healthy squirrel population. Plus, you get to enjoy these charming creatures in your yard.